I am now prepared to assist Satoshi Nakamoto CEO as a Community Manager who has experience working with other 10-100x companies with market capitalization in the millions. Let's make history together!

Kevin Lee - Communications


I'm thrilled to be working with this team and showcasing the token's true potential. Additionally, I'm excited to host plenty of partners for AMA sessions and earn money for the coin.

Tina Cooper - Marketing

As a seasoned marketing professional with a passion for the rapidly evolving world of cyrptocurrencies, I have gained valuable experience in crypto marketing through my work with various blockchain projects and crypto companies.

James Brown - Marketing

I created this token because to my early 2018 experience in the cryptocurrency industry, when I set up numerous profitable tokens with the help of a fantastic team and close friends from the field.

SatoshiNakamotoCEO - Founder/Dev